Expert Roofing Leak Specialists

Preserving the legacy of historic homes one slate at a time. Invest in the future of your home's past and discover the value of preserving your homes unique character.

Humble beginnings to thousands of happy customers

After high school, I started working in Lawrenceville, NJ, where I learned about siding and window replacement. This job lasted nearly two years, and during this time, I met a mentor who taught me valuable life lessons, the importance of keeping a clean job site, and the pursuit of quality work. Subsequently, I explored various jobs, each offering better pay or a more convenient work schedule, climbing the ladder until I landed my current job in 2002. What I didn't realize then was that this job would turn into my career. A decade of on-the-job learning and fixing thousands of roof leaks led to the chance to manage my own two-person repair crew. Over the past eleven years, this role has given me the liberty to innovate and has allowed my team to aim for peak efficiency.

Your reward for a job well done is more work

Advancing my career to the next level has led me to business ownership. I've learned the importance of listening to customer concerns and asking the right questions to address them. Maintaining open communication from start to finish is key. While weather conditions can delay a job site or start date, everyone understands that. Effective communication can greatly reduce stress. As an expert in this field, I prefer to explain problems in relatable terms, using everyday conversation to educate. Your house, while my workplace, is your home and will be treated with respect—no loud music, daily job site cleaning, and protection from potential rain each evening.

Roofing Excellence